... Sugar! Is your family consuming too much?

... Sugar! Is your family consuming too much?

When kids say trick 𝘖𝘙 treat... why do we just give out treats? Why can’t I just tell them I see something behind them and pull a quarter out of their ear to toss into their bucket? Why is that not a thing??⠀⁣
Halloween is my most dreaded day of the year. THE WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR! Bleh. Can I call out? 
I must have been traumatized as a kid because I hate all things scary. And my idea of scary is really ridiculous. Don’t boo me...I will laugh cry. (That’s a thing). I don't enjoy normalizing creepy characters or letting the imagination of such young children be led to dark, death and doom. Bring me fairies and football players and a large poop emoji costume (thank you Mitchell, you make my heart happy). 

Halloween also brings the most unrecognized season of the year...the sugar season. For the next two months we will be consuming an extremely unhealthy amount of sugar, and the problem is, we already do that on a daily basis. Want to hear something truly terrifying? The recommended amount of daily added sugar for a child per day is 4 tsp and on average children consume 21 tsp a day. Twenty-one! What do you think this does to this does to them? It brings us a lot of children that are addicted to sugar, have poor immune systems and have a difficult time focusing. 
Processed sugar completely suppresses our immune system. Our white blood cells fall asleep. It is also highly addictive. No wonder we are riddled with colds, coughs, and all the bugs. Our body doesn’t even have a fighting chance. Our body can feel the effects of sugar for 2-5 hours after consuming it! So just imagine how much sugar we eat throughout the day... our immune system can be suppressed almost all day long. 

So this year...be scary-ish, go to the gatherings, wash your hands ;) celebrate all the things. But hey... try to limit your sugar intake! Take care of your immune system <3⠀⁣
Here are 9 tips in reduce your sugar and boost your immune system:⠀⁣

  • Read labels! Anything that ends in ‘ose’ is sugar!
  • Keep track of the amount of teaspoons of sugar you or your little one consumes in a day, this will be really eye opening and help in making better choices when reaching for drinks and snacks 
  • Add more fiber to your diet to delay the absorption of sugar into your intestines
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners
  • Increase your Vitamin C ⁣{Super C}
  • Increase your water intake. This helps to flush toxins out AND when we are hydrated... we have less sugar cravings! Winning! 
  • Opt for fruits instead, natural sugar is best and gives you much need vitamins and minerals to give your body an immune boost
  • Add a really good probiotic to your supplement routine {MightyPro} {Life 9}
  • Thieves it up! Get your thieves roller or make yourself an immune roller and roll it on your feet morning and night for a great immune boost for the whole family
Let's end with a fun new Halloween song, shall we...

Trick or treat, smell my feet,
give me less sugar to eat! 
Enjoy the scares and all the boos 
and put purification in their shoes 

